2 X MMX CLUSTER Instructions.
Make a mark on both ends of both tubes at 1/2" and mark only one end of both tubes at 1"
follow instructions in picture.
13MM adapter Instructions are the same as the MMX but mark your motor pusher at 1/2" to push the thrust ring.
Always put the FWD ring at the very FWD end of the tube, no matter which adapter you are building.
24mm to 18mm instructions.
These instructions are the same as all adapters. The 1 difference is the hook.
Glue the thrust ring in the FWD end of the tube, flush with the end of the tube. Place hook tab at the end of the tube. (See picture)
I have included 3 AFT rings to be placed against each other for better friction. First ring goes at 1/2" from the end of the tube.
Glue 1 ring at the very FWD end of the tube. Slide the slot in ring over the hook. Stand it on a flat surface to make sure it's even.
Wrap tape around the very center of the tube and hook, leave room for the 2 AFT rings.
Tie cord around tube and feed though the FWD ring notch or hole.
Glue the other 2 ring on the other end of the tube at 1" and at 1/2".
Put reinforcing glue on each joint and wipe off excess with finger.
Tie cord to swivel. Put glue on knot.
I have included 3 AFT rings to be placed against each other for better friction. First ring goes at 1/2" from the end of the tube.
NOTE: Some kits may only have 1 paper thrust ring, others may have 2 plywood thrust rings.
2 AFT rings are for help with friction fitting. Wrap tap around them for tighter fit.